Monday, March 16, 2009

Not a bad day...

My job made me so happy today! I finished The Namesake, it's so good! I started Eyeless in Gaza today... If it's anything like A Brave New World then Aldous shouldn't be letting me down!

Phoenix tomorrow, couldn't be more stoked! Pay day Thursday!!

Getting a bike this weekend, hopefully. Converting it to a single speed in April when Geoff comes home... HOPEFULLY. hahaha.

I am so ready for summer to begin. Online Spanish class and possibly a piano class in the first summer session. We will see. I need to save money for India and Guatemala!

OH and I need to make an appointment to see my adviser about changing my major and about going to Guatemala and scholarships and all that crap!

Spring Break to-dos:

-Clean Room
-Clean Car
-Make study guide for Geog quiz
-Make study guide for Geog exam
-UV light experiment for NATS
-Finish Eyeless in Gaza, begin Frida.
-JR. LG lesson plan

Busy lady! None of it is recreational either.. Booooo!

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