Saturday, May 16, 2009

Gonna take a trip down memory lane...

So, while lurking through my parents' computer, I found some funny/really old pictures to share!



It's so crazy how times change! 6 years later and I feel like this was a lifetime ago.. And all the in between now and then pictures (that I chose to exclude for various reasons), it's nuts. I think I have some mental issue because I forget things so easily... I also found some videos that I will try and post later..
In good news, I found a lot of Crudos, Spazz, Indk, Discharge, In My Eyes, MDC, Minutemen... Basically just a lot of awesome music I haven't listened to in YEARS.. I also found some Skrewdriver on here... Apparently I was an even bigger asshole back then... haha
I hate getting old

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